interacrtive led experience

Interactive LED experience, ISE 2024

Interactive LED experience, ISE 2024

interactive game

Digital Interactive Game, Lyon

Digital Interactive Game, Lyon

Irène Drésel immersive

Irène Drésel live interactive performance, Paris

Irène Drésel live interactive performance, Paris

Modulo Pi - ISE 2023

ISE 2023 – Interactive Experience

ISE 2023 – Interactive Experience

Polar Mission Exhibition

The Polar Mission Exhibition, Monaco

The Polar Mission Exhibition, Monaco

Fabrique des Lumieres

Fabrique des Lumières, Amsterdam

Fabrique des Lumières, Amsterdam

XR virtual studio demo

XR virtual studio demo

ISE 2020 – Real-time tracking and interactivity

ISE 2020 – Real-time tracking and interactivity

dance performance tracking interactivity - Modulo Pi

Interactive dance performance

Interactive dance performance

Modulo Kinetic at the heart of Dixit - Modulo Pi

Dixit, Béjart Ballet Lausanne

Dixit, Béjart Ballet Lausanne

Tech’Off days – 2019

Tech’Off days – 2019

ISE 2019 - Real-time interactive show - Modulo Pi

ISE 2019 – Real-time interactive show

ISE 2019 – Real-time interactive show

Mvision at Heavent 2018 - Modulo Pi

Mvision at Heavent 2018 – Paris

Mvision at Heavent 2018 – Paris

Modulo Kinetic – version 3 – New features

Modulo Kinetic – version 3 – New features

Chartres en Lumières – 2017

Chartres en Lumières – 2017

Open Doors day – Skynight

Open Doors day – Skynight

InfoComm Brazil 2018

InfoComm Brazil 2018

InfoComm Beijing 2018

InfoComm Beijing 2018

ISE 2018 – Interactive Demo

ISE 2018 – Interactive Demo

Veterans Day 2017, The Netherlands

Veterans Day 2017, The Netherlands

Mini Mapping experience

Mini Mapping experience

ISE tradeshow 2017

ISE tradeshow 2017

A toi de jouer, participatory mapping

A toi de jouer, participatory mapping

Show Tech’Off

Show Tech’Off

Participatory mapping, Montpellier

Participatory mapping, Montpellier

Arab World Institute, Paris

Arab World Institute, Paris

Glow Festival, Eindhoven

Glow Festival, Eindhoven

Modulo ILight, Lille

Modulo ILight, Lille

Modulo ILight, Chartres

Modulo ILight, Chartres

Eclairage public mapping, Lyon

Eclairage public mapping, Lyon